Robotic Prostatectomy: da Vinci Xi Shaping the Future of Cancer Treatment

By Dato’ Dr. Sahabudin Raja Mohamed, Urologist

Medical technology has advanced tremendously, giving patients more options for treatments and significantly improving their quality of life.

Prince Court Medical Centre recently unveiled the fourth-generation da Vinci Xi which is poised to transform prostate cancer management and treatment.

Prostate cancer: A growing concern

Prostate cancer is the second most prevalent cancer among men worldwide, affecting millions annually. Its incidence is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, lifestyle choices as well as environmental and dietary factors.

Early detection is critical, with prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing and digital rectal examinations playing a crucial role in identifying potential cases.

The introduction of the da Vinci Xi Surgical System at the Prince Court marks a significant advancement in prostate cancer treatment. This cutting-edge technology empowers surgeons to perform Robotic-Assisted Radical Prostatectomy (RARP) with superb precision and efficiency.

Key benefits of da Vinci Xi for RARP:

Minimally Invasive: RARP is a minimally invasive procedure that offers patients reduced pain post-operation, minimal blood loss, and shorter recovery times compared to traditional open surgery.

Tailored Treatment: The da Vinci Xi system allows surgeons to customise the procedure based on the location, size, and stage of cancer relative to anatomical structures.

Quick Recovery: Patients typically can walk and eat the next day of surgery, and the wounds heal on the third day.

Low Complication Rates: Surgical complications such as incontinence and erectile dysfunction are rare with RARP performed using the da Vinci Xi surgical system.


A game-changer in prostate cancer surgery

The da Vinci Xi is versatile and flexible with setup automation and guidance that promotes operation theatre efficiency. It has integrated table motion, vessel sealer, integrated energy, da Vinci stapling device, Endo wrist clip applier, controlled visualisation scope and florescence imaging.

The incorporation of the state-of-the-art technology ensures the da Vinci Xi improves precision, augment strength, increase endurance and reduce tremor tremendously. 

The future of robotics surgery

As the field of robotics continues to evolve, Augmented Reality (AR) and 5G are poised to enhance telesurgery capabilities. With advancements in 5G technology, 3D printing, and AI in robotics, surgeons will be able to perform AR-RARP with better outcomes for patients.

Dato’ Dr. Sahabudin Raja Mohamed is a trailblazer in the field of prostate disease and prostate cancer, bringing with him two decades of remarkable experience where he has performed over 500 cases to date. He was trained under world-renowned robotic surgeons, Dr. Vipul Patel and Dr. Mani Menon who are pioneers in Robotic Assisted Robotic Surgery in urology in the United States.