Health Guide to Excessive Heat

air conditioning in extreme hot weather and excessive heat

Lengthy exposure to extreme heat, especially with high humidity, make sweating less effective, increasing the risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion, and even life-threatening heat stroke.

Heatwave Alert and Warning in Malaysia

Excessive heat refers to continuous periods of unusually high temperatures that exceed a region's average for the time of year. Lasting days or weeks, it poses serious risks to health and safety.

Factors like high temperatures, humidity, and low wind contribute to excessive heat.

In Malaysia, MetMalaysia defines heat waves as daily maximum temperatures exceeding 37°C for three consecutive days.

To track and respond to these events, MetMalaysia uses a three-tiered heat index alert system.

  • Level 1 (Caution): Triggered when daily highs reach 35°C to 37°C for three days. Serves as an early alert to reduce heat risks.

  • Level 2 (Heatwave): Announced when temperatures stay between 37°C and 40°C for three days. Extra precautions are urged, especially for children, the elderly, and those with health issues.

  • Level 3 (Extreme Heatwave): Declared when temperatures exceed 40°C for three days. Authorities enforce emergency measures to protect public health.

Health Risks Associated with Excessive Heat

Excessive heat can harm health, especially when the body’s cooling systems are overwhelmed.

High temperatures can cause heat-related illnesses like heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heat stroke.

Heat cramps, the first sign of heat stress, are painful muscle spasms caused by dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

Prolonged exposure can lead to heat exhaustion, with symptoms like fatigue, dizziness, and heavy sweating.

The most severe condition, heat stroke, occurs when the body’s core temperature rises dangerously, risking organ failure or death without immediate treatment.

Groups at Higher Risk for Heat-Related Illnesses

  • Older Adults: Seniors are more prone to heat illnesses due to difficulty to regulate body temperature, health conditions, and medications that affect heat tolerance.

  • Young Children: Kids under 4 are vulnerable because their bodies heat up faster, and they may not hydrate or cool down properly.

  • Pregnant Women: Pregnant individuals are more sensitive to heat and may be at risk for dehydration and other heat-related issues.

  • Chronic Health Conditions: People with heart disease, diabetes, or respiratory issues struggle to manage heat effectively.

  • Outdoor Workers: Those working long hours outside—like construction workers, farmers, or athletes—face higher risks from prolonged exposure and fluid loss.

Heat Stroke vs. Heat Exhaustion

Heat Exhaustion
Heat Stroke
Onset Speed
Body Temperature
From 34°C to 40°C
40°C or higher
Risk if Untreated
Heat stroke
Organ failure or death

Symptoms and Signs

Heat stroke symptoms:

  • Hot, dry skin

  • Rapid heartbeat

  • Loss of appetite

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Persistent headache

  • Extreme fatigue

  • Mental confusion or agitation

  • Drowsiness or lethargy

  • Stupor or unresponsiveness

Heat exhaustion symptoms:

  • Muscle cramps

  • Pale, clammy skin

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhoea

  • Headache

  • Extreme fatigue

  • Weakness

  • Feelings of anxiety or faintness

Treatment and Management

Heat stroke treatment methods:

  • Move to a cool, shaded area and rest.

  • Immediately call 999 or your local medical emergency services. Heat stroke is a serious, life-threatening condition that requires urgent medical attention.

  • Remove excess clothing and cool the skin by drenching it with water and fanning.

  • Apply ice packs to the armpits and groin to help lower body temperature.

  • If the person is conscious and able to drink, offer cool fluids to stay hydrated.

Heat exhaustion treatment methods:

  • Find a cool, shaded area and encourage rest.

  • Remove extra layers of clothing and apply cool, damp cloths to the skin while gently fanning.

  • Offer cool sports drinks that contain both salt and sugar to help with hydration.

  • If symptoms persist or your child cannot drink fluids, seek immediate medical attention. Intravenous (IV) fluids may be required.

Heat-Related Illnesses Prevention

  • Stay Hydrated: Drink water regularly, even if you’re not thirsty. For long activities or heavy sweating, try electrolyte drinks. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and sugary drinks, which can worsen dehydration.

  • Stay Cool: Stay in shade or air-conditioned spaces during peak heat. Wear lightweight, loose, light-coloured clothing, and use fans or take cool showers to stay comfortable.

  • Stay Informed: Check weather forecasts and heatwave alerts to prepare for extreme heat.

  • Plan Outdoor Activities Wisely: Schedule activities for early mornings or evenings. Take breaks in shade and adapt gradually to high temperatures.

Coping with Extreme Heat in Malaysia

medical emergency to a patient with extremely high body temperature

Staying prepared is key to managing extreme heat, especially in tropical climates like Malaysia.

Simple steps like staying hydrated, seeking shade, and monitoring your health can help prevent heat-related illnesses. In emergencies, swift professional care is essential.

At Prince Court Medical Centre, we provide exceptional medical emergency care in Kuala Lumpur with world-class facilities, skilled staff, and fast response times. Your health is our priority.